"Stop Wasting Your Time Blaming Others For Your Life"
15 Life Lessons to help you take back control of your Life, Relationships and Career
Do you feel stuck or limited by your past or current circumstance?
Is your relationship going downhill because he or she refuses to change?
Do you want to make a change in your business or career, but lack education, money, support and other resources?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, it’s time for you to take back control of your Life, Relationships, and Career. Get this FREE book to learn how!
What is Stop Wasting Your Time Blaming Others for Your Life?

A real-life guide discussing and dealing with real-life issues to help you get unstuck and overcome life's difficult situations by:
Book Foreword by Les Brown, World-Renowned Motivational Speaker and Author of Live Your Dream
"This is a book that I have read and that has changed my life! Stop Wasting Your Time Blaming Others for Your Life is going to save you from sabotaging yourself unconsciously. This book will help you get unstuck and move forward in your life. This book will resonate with your mind, your heart, and your spirit and empower you to become the creator of your own circumstances." - Les Brown

15 Life Lessons to help you take back control of your Life, Relationships and Career
Tamara Shares Her Lessons Learned:
Tamara openly shares some of her most difficult life experiences and how she used to blame everyone around her for her life; including her parents, classmates, teachers, spouse, coworkers, and Oprah Winfrey (YES, even Oprah)! Tamara talks openly about real-life issues and sticky situations that many people face and areas in her life that had her stuck until she decided to make a change. From being a teenage and single parent, to being teased and taunted in high school, experiencing breakups and bad relationships, enduring bankruptcy, foreclosure and other financial hardships, and being stuck in a dead-end career. Tamara then shares the greatest life lessons she learned through these situations once she stopped blaming others, took full responsibility for herself, and took back control of her Life, Relationships and Career.
"I used to blame everyone for my circumstances! Then I realized that the 'blame game' was getting me nowhere. I stopped blaming others and learned to take full responsibility for me. And that's when my life changed!" - Tamara Hartley

About the
Tamara Hartley is a wife, mother of five, speaker, advice columnist and How-To coach. She uses her real-life experiences and professional expertise to help others in their Life, Relationships and Career.
Tamara creatively combines her knowledge, expertise, life experiences, practical wisdom, and funny and insightful anecdotes to inspire others to achieve personal success. As a testament to proven results, her clients have dubbed her “The How-To Coach," because she helps others take ACTION and "Do the How" to make their dreams their reality.
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Additional Praise for "Stop Wasting Your Time"...
“Tamara Hartley delivers a masterpiece with Stop Wasting Your Time Blaming Others for Your Life in that every chapter is packed with valuable life lessons to keep you motivated and moving toward reaching your full potential. Tamara does not allow for excuses, blame or labels to paralyze progressive development. Tamara’s work is a “must keep” as you can reflect on the powerful insight she shares to guide you through your own life stages. The subject matter is simply exhilarating and offers a fresh perspective on how we can view life and the events that shape our journey to greatness.”
“Tamara Hartley combines her wealth of knowledge and personal experiences to show her audience how to be an overcomer. Her new book is an absolute must-read that provides not only tremendous insight into the challenges faced by many people; but, she shares wisdom to be a champion over any situation. This book alleviates excuses and transforms the reader from a victim to a winner.”
Live Life in Harmonywww.LifeInHarmonyNow.com
“Tamara Hartley is brave! In this book, she exemplifies what it means to take 100% responsibility for your life. With a lot of transparency and authenticity, she shares her heart secrets. They are the lessons she’s learned from the stories she dares to share. Readers will walk away from this powerful book ready to reclaim their lives and live in their truth. Tamara gives us a candid up close look into the life of a woman who refuses to allow her past to predict her future. This book is a must-read for anyone who has ever felt stuck in life and is now ready to make some bold moves.”
Founder of The Fatherless Daughters Network